Saturday, December 12, 2015

Gajar Ki Kheer

 Ingredients :

1.Cow's  Milk - 1 liter

2. Sugar - 1 cup ( adjust sugar to your taste )

3. Carrot / Gajar - 3 pieces

4.Ghee / clarified butter - 3 table spoon

5. Cardamom powder - 1/2 tea spoon

6. Condensed  milk - 3 table spoon

Method :

Wash and  peel carrot  then grate then . Now take a wok . Then add ghee / clarified butter 3 table spoon when it start smoking , then add grated carrot and mix well . Saute carrot for about 10 minutes . When carrot become a  little soft ,  then  add milk . when milk start boil add  sugar 1 cup  ( adjust sugar to  your taste )  , condensed milk 3 table spoon ,  and cardamom powder  1/2 tea spoon  and mix well . Stir from time to time . Medium Heat .  After 15 - 20 minutes when milk starts to thicken  then switch off flame . Transfer it to serving bowls .

Serve carrot kheer chilled .

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